If you want to access the pattern you can get a back issue from pubs@thegmcgroup.com or if you're American maybe the pattern editor can help: e-mail carol.chambers@ntlworld.com.
This was made in February 2006 for a baby called Paige : the bonnet is from a book:Essential Crcohet by Erica Knight: it's the Sunday best bonnet and I made it in a DK pure cotton , but I did find the pattern rather hard to follow at times, the pink bootees were my very first attempt at such a garment and didn't turn out so well, they were from Adorable crochet for babies by Lesley Stansfield: the dancing shoes....
Again I probably made a few mistakes as one looked a bit strange but I did find the flower decoration - which I decided not to put on the shoe: was a superb pattern for a number of brooched I made later on!!!
I also found a much easier and nicer bootee pattern later on In October 2006 in a book called Crochet Unravelled and I made those for a baby boy called Joseph in November 2006:
these are the blue ones on the left above, I uploaded them in the wrong order by mistake.
I had the honour of cuddling the newborn baby Joseph while he was wearing them, they fit a 9lb newborn baby perfectly!!!
And so easy and delightful to make, using a little DK yarn and some ribbon.